
Writing Intent Statement 

At Holy Trinity, we provide a writing curriculum that enables our students to be successful writers who can develop and apply their skills in all areas of the school curriculum and the wider world. 

Pupils learn how to plan, edit and evaluate their own writing. They also develop an awareness of their audience, purpose and context, and a wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

The writing curriculum is structured around carefully selected texts that are relevant and engaging to provide high-quality models for them to refer to. Texts have been selected to provide an engaging stimulus and offer rich language models to support the development of vocabulary acquisition and language development. Oral rehearsal is planned into every unit of writing to give children the opportunity to internalise language patterns before using them when writing. Children will also have regular opportunities to use and apply speaking and listening skills in English lessons and across the wider curriculum.

The curriculum map is designed in such a way that children can build on their prior learning. Children at Holy Trinity are exposed to a wide range of writing purposes and text types. Key text types are revisited to enable children to build up an understanding of their language features and vocabulary. Core grammar, spelling and punctuation are revised each year to enable a solid understanding.


Reading Intent Statement 

At Holy Trinity, we enable all pupils to read fluently and with confidence, so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. The early teaching of reading is prioritised for all beginners when they start school at any age. Through access to high-quality and challenging children’s literature, both classic and contemporary, all children and adults will establish an appreciation and love of reading.

Our texts have been selected carefully by staff to provide mirrors of children’s realities and windows into the world of others. We celebrate the rich and diverse community our children come from through our reading curriculum. We see literature as an important way to develop empathy and respect and celebrate our shared humanity. Our curriculum enables all pupils to use the skills required to access new, stimulating and challenging texts.


Holy Trinity Reading Spines 2024-2025

Whole School Writing Overview 2024-25

 Holy Trinity Writing Progression of Skills and Knowledge

Holy Trinity Reading Progression of Skills and Knowledge