Google Classroom
Remote Education
It was the DfE’s expectation that by the end of September 2020 that all schools must provide remote education and ‘blended learning’ in anticipation for a local or national lockdown.
“Where a class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home, we expect schools to have the capacity to offer immediate remote education” (DfE, updated 17/9/2020).
The Government have actively encouraged and have funded schools for access to either Google for Education or Microsoft Office 365 Education online platforms. During that time, we explored various options to enhance our current home learning provision and decided to go with Google Classroom.
The virtual learning environment provides children with the following benefits:
• The opportunity for teacher feedback.
• The opportunity to communicate more easily with the class teacher.
• The opportunity to upload work using a laptop or any smart device.
Using Google classroom allows your child to have access to school work at any time through the Internet and is accessible online and through any mobile devices with Internet capabilities.
Google classroom is used as an educational tool and will be used strictly for educational purposes.
A parent's guide to Google Classroom
How to login to Google Classroom
Google Classroom App for Apple
Google Classroom App for Android