Holy Trinity is a one form entry Church School, which serves the local community.  Admissions are the responsibility of the Governing Body which has an agreed Admissions policy.
Nursery Applications
Applications to our Nursery Class are made directly to the school. Children are eligible to begin Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, spaces permitting.

There is no right of Appeal to Nursery as nursery education is not statutory. However, there is right of appeal for other age groups.
Reception Applications
Application for Reception Class must be made to the Local Authority in which the child lives, this is usually done online. Reception applications are co-ordinated by the Local Authority. All places at Holy Trinity are allocated in accordance with the school's Admission Policy.

Attendance at Nursery has no bearing on admission into the Reception Class at the school.

As a church school preference is given to families who attend either Holy Trinity or All Saints' Church in the N2 postcode. 

The school’s supplementary application forms must be fully completed and returned to the school office with all of the documentation requested, if an application is based on the school's faith criterion.
The Admissions Panel meets each spring to consider Nursery and in February to consider Reception applications.

In Year Admissions
Barnet Local Authority co-ordinate all in year applications for places at Holy Trinity School.  Any parent who wants to make an in-year application should contact Barnet School Admissions 


A waiting list is maintained and when vacancies occur, places are allocated according to the admissions criteria.


Contact details for Barnet School Admissions Team 
Tel No: 020 8359 7651

For any queries regarding admissions, please contact the school office.


Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Application Form - Nursery

Application Form - Reception

 We offer school tours please click on the link below to see when we are offering school tours

School Tours